
Newsletter 22 Voice of Novice Teachers

The voice of our novice teachers (3)

  • “Being in these situations affects you greatly because afterwards you reflect, you realise the type of person you are is not suited to a certain situation because you yourself have issues with something in that line. It makes you look introspectively.”
  • “I see myself as a young teacher who is soon going to realise that the angry face, I’m going to need it, because being a kind teacher, in a public school, there are children who mistakes it for weakness and test you. You don’t get kind people on the streets.”
  • “You have to go down on their level and understand the child.”
  • “Each child is different, you can’t deal with them all the same.”
  • “My core values made me strong to be able to deal with everything.”
  • “Different personalities expected of you, you have to like be different people at the same time, you must adapt.”
  • “To be a teacher is to teach them the curriculum and about life. Use yourself as an example, make a fool of yourself, don’t come with high and mighty behaviour, come down to their level.”
  • “My personal values shape how I interact with my learners, it helps me reflect what I’m trying to teach them, not impose it on them.”
  • “We teach them all the time so you teach them things that you believe and try to instill that in them because you think it’s right but not to influence them too much, you need to respect their beliefs also.”
  • “You supposed to play this role of leader but you also learning all the time and often you learn from the children, they can teach you.”
  • “You learn from your colleagues.” “I’m a teacher but I also feel like a learner still.”
  • “I’m always growing, learning, open to new ideas. I’m a teacher but I’m also growing as a person. I want to be a lifelong learner.”
  • “Being in these situations affects you greatly because afterwards you reflect, you realise the type of person you are is not suited to a certain situation because you yourself have issues with something in that line. It makes you look introspectively.”
  • “I see myself as a young teacher who is soon going to realise that the angry face, I’m going to need it, because being a kind teacher, in a public school, there are children who mistakes it for weakness and test you. You don’t get kind people on the streets.”
  • “You have to go down on their level and understand the child.”
  • “Each child is different, you can’t deal with them all the same.”
  • “My core values made me strong to be able to deal with everything.”
  • “Different personalities expected of you, you have to like be different people at the same time, you must adapt.”
  • “To be a teacher is to teach them the curriculum and about life. Use yourself as an example, make a fool of yourself, don’t come with high and mighty behaviour, come down to their level.”
  • “My personal values shape how I interact with my learners, it helps me reflect what I’m trying to teach them, not impose it on them.”
  • “We teach them all the time so you teach them things that you believe and try to instill that in them because you think it’s right but not to influence them too much, you need to respect their beliefs also.”
  • “You supposed to play this role of leader but you also learning all the time and often you learn from the children, they can teach you.”
  • “You learn from your colleagues.” “I’m a teacher but I also feel like a learner still.”
  • “I’m always growing, learning, open to new ideas. I’m a teacher but I’m also growing as a person. I want to be a lifelong learner.”
  • “Don’t be such an idealistic fool.” “I’d have better prepare myself to deal with people instead of better preparing myself to know my content because you can get more out of the classroom.” 

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