
Newsletter 231 - School Development & Improvement Planning 2006-2009 - PART 6


“EFFECTIVE SCHOOLS” will form amongst others the basis of the District Education Management Plan;

? Access - Admission and placement of learners
? School Development Plans
? Merger of schools
? Learner discipline
? Educator discipline and morale
? Support to SGBs
? “Dysfunctional School” – mentorship / curatorship
? Training & Development – SMT & SGB.

The District Office has made an assessment of the School Improvement Plans (SIP) submitted. The single most important need established has been ASSESSMENT FOR AND ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING. Other needs include

? Learner discipline
? Learner space
? School policy - SMT
? Strategic planning – SMT
? School Records Management
? Staff Development
? Networking & Stakeholder Involvement
? Extra- and co-curricular participation of principals.

The inter-relationship (alignment and correlation) currently between the planning at Head Office, District Offices, different Pillars/Components and the Circuit is distant and not aligned. In fact this relationship is one directional from the top. There is very little evidence of a direct relationship between planning at the District Office and that of the schools. The ideal would be to have an alignment (conceptual and contingent relationship) between the planning at schools and Departmental Office planning. Planning based on the need and requirements in the field. This is something we must all strive for and work towards.

Research has shown that “Effective Districts are strongly associated with
? Strong instructional leadership from Director and District Team
? Emphasis on learner improvement, learning and teaching
? Establishment of District goals & objectives
? Deliberate selection and appointment of school principals with both Curriculum and Personal skills
? Monitor school visit and meetings
? Emphasis on professional development
? Systematic use of data
? Tracking school performance.

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